Tag Archives: pain and suffering

How Is My “Pain and Suffering” Calculated in a Personal Injury Case?

In addition to seeking compensation for medical expenses and lost wages, you can seek compensation for any pain and suffering you experienced as a result of your injury. Pain and suffering encompasses not just physical pain, but also emotional and mental injuries such as grief, worry, fear, insomnia, or even the loss of enjoyment of life.

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There is no universal rule that determines how an insurance company must calculate pain and suffering, but many attorneys have been trained to use one of three methods.

1. Multiplier Method

This method involves multiplying the plaintiff’s actual damages, which include medical bills and lost wages, by a certain number between 1 and 5 (depending on the severity of the injury). For example, if Steve incurred $5,000 in medical bills as a result of a car accident, he might multiply that number by 3. So, he could conclude that $15,000 is a reasonable amount to compensate for his pain and suffering.

2. Per Day Method

With this method, a certain dollar amount is assigned to every day—starting the day of the accident until the plaintiff recovers fully from the injury. For example, let’s say Steve’s pain and suffering is calculated at $100 dollars a day. If he’s injured for 150 days, then his pain and suffering would be calculated at $15,000.

3. Computer Method

Some insurance companies use computer programs to calculate pain and suffering. These programs also include the type of medical treatment that was sought after the injury, and the length of time the plaintiff sought treatment.

For more information like this, you can read the #1 Amazon Bestseller “Plaintiff 101” by clicking here.

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Law Students! Make Amazon Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101,” Your Summer Read!

Karen Mertes AuthorInterested in law and what goes on in the courtroom during a personal injury litigation?! “Plaintiff 101” by Karen Mertes tells the story as her life hung in the balance after a tragic car accident caused by a drunk driver. Despite sustaining a traumatic brain injury, she is the founder and president of Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances.

This book is to help other personal injury survivors contemplating litigation, or already involved in litigation. You should be able to navigate these troubled waters ever so slightly easier because of our experience and advice. We’re hopeful that plaintiffs’ attorneys will see the benefit of providing this book as a teaching tool to their clients so as a team you can win your case!

Grab this Amazon Best Seller to add to your summer read collection!

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Woman Picked Up By Drunk Uber Driver | Know Who is Behind the Wheel

When you call a cab, or request an Uber, you are expecting a designated sober driver to pick you up and safely transport you to your destination. However, what happens if your driver arrives and suddenly you feel unsafe? You notice that they are swerving, seem to be nodding off or even get into a car accident due to intoxication?

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About a year ago, Buzzfeed interviewed a woman that was picked up by a drunk Uber driver, “[..]the car crossed over a grass median, coming precariously close to the oncoming traffic lane[..].”

“Gallion’s Uber driver was arrested for driving while impaired [..], he had a blood alcohol level of 0.15 — nearly four times the .04 legal limit for commercial drivers.”

Make sure to be aware and on alert for any suspicious behavior. As the driver to pullover and drop you off in the nearest safe location. Text a friend to call the police or call them yourself if you feel unsafe. Although it should be a guarantee that your driver should arrive sober and fulfill their duties, you can never be too careful.

Read the entire article here.

To get your copy of Plaintiff 101, click here!


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The Amazon Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101,” can be Checked Out Through the Tampa Public Library System!

Looking for a resource to help guide you through your personal injury litigation but short on cash? No problem! Karen Mertes’ “Plaintiff 101” is now available in the Tampa Public Library System!

Interested in law and what goes on in the courtroom during a personal injury litigation?! “Plaintiff 101” by Karen Mertes tells the story as her life hung in the balance after a tragic car accident caused by a drunk driver. Despite sustaining a traumatic brain injury, she is the founder and president of Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances.

For those who are interested in owning Amazon’s Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101” as a valuable resource:

Click here to >>ORDER<< your copy TODAY

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How to Win Your Personal Injury Litigation

plaintiff-101-cover-audioWhen going through a personal injury litigation, it is hard to know who is to trust. But once you have your lawyer on retainer, it is extremely beneficial to be completely open with your attorney. Below is Takeaway #8 from the Amazon Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101″—

Takeaway #8

Do not keep any secrets from your lawyer. If something in your past may hurt your case, tell your lawyer first. In all probability, it’s not as bad as you think. Remember the lessons of history. It wasn’t the break-in that led to Richard Nixon’s downfall. It was the cover-up.

A lawsuit is a team effort between you and your law firm. To achieve a successful result, you must meet your responsibilities with your best efforts. Be open, honest and flexible throughout your case.

For those who are interested in owning Amazon’s Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101” as a valuable resource:

Click here to >>ORDER<< your copy TODAY!

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How Karen Mertes is Giving Back After Her TBI

Despite sustaining a traumatic brain injury from my accident, I am the founder and president of Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances. Inspiring stories of people who have been helped can be found at www.fulfillyourdestiny.org under the Who We’ve Helped tab.

Plaintiff 101

The  proceeds from the sale of this book are directly donated to Fulfill Your Destiny.  We hope you find the information contained within these pages of our book very insightful.  Please know that your donation for this book is used to help others through Fulfill Your Destiny.

Our Mission

Fulfill Your Destiny helps people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances.  Special consideration is given to survivors living with a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Our Vision

To create the H.E.R.O. – ‘Hands Eagerly Reach Out’ movement. When we dare to care, our hands eagerly reach out to help others in need.

Imagine how strong every community could become if hands eagerly reach out to help others when and where needed.

Our Signature Program

Fulfill Your Destiny’s signature program awards ‘Business Builder Grants’ to proven entrepreneurs who have experienced life changing events to take their business to the next level.

Our Objectives

1) Keep People Working:  To provide financial support to individuals whose careers have been altered due to permanent injuries or unforeseen circumstances, including, but not limited to traumatic brain injuries for the purpose of obtaining vocational counseling, educational or occupational retraining.

2) Inspire and Motivate:  To educate others about those personal challenges facing any of us suffering injuries that permanently changes our lives. How we confront our challenges is the key to the core motto of Fulfill Your Destiny: Character Drives Destiny. We teach people that we are all defined by our character, which compels us to pick up the pieces and carry on when confronted with tremendous obstacles.

3) Build Awareness and Educate:  To offer assistance – educational, financial, volunteer time and/or in-kind services directly to individuals and other non-profit corporations, to increase awareness of traumatic brain injuries and to support those who have experienced TBIs.

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Check Out “Plaintiff 101” at Your Local Library!

Looking for a resource to help guide you through your personal injury litigation but short on cash? No problem! Karen Mertes’ “Plaintiff 101” is now available in the Tampa Public Library System!

Karen R Mertes

This Read Poster was created by the Town ‘N’ Country Library for their Read Local event.

Interested in law and what goes on in the courtroom during a personal injury litigation?! “Plaintiff 101” by Karen Mertes tells the story as her life hung in the balance after a tragic car accident caused by a drunk driver. Despite sustaining a traumatic brain injury, she is the founder and president of Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances.

For those who are interested in owning Amazon’s Best Seller, “Plaintiff 101” as a valuable resource:

Click here to >>ORDER<< your copy TODAY

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Karen’s ‘The Asset Map’ Checklists for Personal Representatives and Trustees when the tough time comes

fulfill-your-destiny-tree-text1-262817_960x332Karen’s Mom passed away very suddenly from a massive heart attack.  Karen was the executor, personal representative and trustee.  Combing the internet for resources to help, Karen didn’t find all that she needed so she created two checklists:

1) What to Do When Learning of the Passing of a Loved One


2) The Asset Map which helps you find the treasure in your business and personal life, map your assets, and prepare your family for financial freedom. 

Thank you to Independent Financial Services for licensing the right to use these two checklists to help all of their clients.  For more information, please view our Speaker Info tab and  contact Karen at karen.mertes@yahoo.com or karen@fulfillyourdestiny.org  to learn more.


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Latest Reviews for Amazon Best Seller “Plaintiff 101”

Karen Mertes Author

As Karen Mertes’ life hung in the balance after a tragic car accident caused by a drunk driver, she promised to spend the rest of her life helping others if she were to survive. Despite sustaining a traumatic brain injury, Karen Mertes is the founder and president of Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping people whose careers have been altered by injury or other unforeseen circumstances. This book is to help other personal injury survivors contemplating litigation, or already involved in litigation. You should be able to navigate these troubled waters ever so slightly easier because of our experience and advice. We’re hopeful that plaintiffs’ attorneys will see the benefit of providing this book as a teaching tool to their clients so as a team you can win your case!

Check out the latest reviews on the Amazon Best Seller below!

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Click here to >>ORDER<< your copy of the Amazon Bestseller TODAY! 

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Difficult Roads often lead to…



Click here to >>ORDER<< your copy of the Amazon Bestseller TODAY! 

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