Tag Archives: Plaintiff 101

Your Next Keynote Speaker, Karen Mertes

Inspire your audience by having the #1 Amazon Best Selling author, Karen Mertes, as your next keynote speaker.


Karen Mertes, a member of the Women Veterans Speakers Bureau,  The Professional Woman International Speakers Bureau and the National Speakers Association with the Central Florida chapter, also raises funds for Fulfill Your Destiny by delivering motivational speeches and serving as a consultant to corporations and other non-profit organizations.
All honorariums for Karen’s speaking and consulting engagements are paid directly to the tax-deductible non-profit corporation, Fulfill Your Destiny. We believe many corporations have supporting their local community as one of their objectives. We also believe many of these businesses have dollars in their budgets for bringing in speakers during employee appreciation days, employee training and corporate retreats. With the tax-deductible honorariums going directly to Fulfill Your Destiny, Karen can save businesses money and fill multiple needs – leadership, education, moral, team building and philanthropy. Karen is also happy to provide additional info on her background and references/testimonials on her past speaking engagements as requested.

Send your request here: contact

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Karen’s Story

February 7, 2007 was the day that forever changed her life’s path.

Karen Mertes, a lieutenant colonel in our United States Air Force, was driving the speed limit on the interstate when she was struck by a drunk driver traveling over 100 mph. He had a blood alcohol level of nearly three times the legal limit. Both vehicles were totaled. Her axle snapped in half, with brakes and steering inoperative. Karen made a futile attempt to regain control of her vehicle as her car slid sideways down the interstate, with cars in the remaining lanes traveling by her at highway speeds. During these split seconds, as her life hung in the balance, Karen made a bargain with God. She promised God that if she were blessed to live, she would spend the rest of her life helping others. This was the genesis for what has become Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc.


Although I did not realize it at the time, the events of February 7, 2007 created the genesis of my future non-profit corporation which would be known as Fulfill Your Destiny. On that date, my vehicle was struck at high speed by a drunk driver, totaling both automobiles. While I had a concussion, I was thankful I had survived without what I deemed to be a “serious” bodily injury. At the time of the collision, I was a lieutenant colonel in our United States Air Force, with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and two master’s degrees in business administration and cost estimating & analysis. With top secret clearances, my work required every bit of the advanced education and 18 years experience I had accumulated. Following rehabilitation, I was released to return to work. It became apparent to me I could no longer perform the complex memory-driven cognitive tasks I could before the collision. I was diagnosed as suffering from a permanent traumatic brain injury (TBI), which affected certain parts of my brain.

Unfortunately, the parts affected were the same parts I had built my advanced education and career around. At that time, I knew I would have to start over and build a future around my strengths which remained. Through therapy and interface with a number of organizations in Tampa Bay, I learned that this “hidden injury” had stolen the careers and lives of significant numbers of people, many of whom were military who suffered TBI’s in our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. At that time, I vowed to help people suffering traumatic brain injuries as well as other traumas, whose careers and educational paths have been cut short. My 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation is Fulfill Your Destiny.
Karen R. Mertes, Lt Col (Ret), USAF
Founder & President, Fulfill Your Destiny, Inc.

You can find Karen’s book, Plaintiff 101, by clicking here.

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Arrive Alive, Don’t Drink and Drive.


The number of drunk-driving fatalities doubles on St. Patrick’s Day. Every year, without fail, roughly one-third of deaths in motor vehicle crashes are due to someone making the selfish and often deadly choice to drink and drive.

Have a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t drink and drive.

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5 Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury law allows an injured plaintiff to get compensation when someone else’s negligence caused the plaintiff harm. Here are 5 of the most common types of personal injury cases.

person hand

1. Car Accident

These result in the majority of personal injury cases in the US. When an accident happens, it’s usually because someone isn’t driving as carefully as they should be. A careless driver can usually be held financially responsible for injuries stemming from a car accident.

2. Medical Malpractice

These occur when a doctor or health care professional fails to provide competent or reasonably skilled care and the patient is injured as a result.

3. Slip and Fall

Property owners (and sometimes renters) have a legal responsibility to keep their property reasonably safe and free of hazards so that people on the premises won’t be injured.

4. Defamation

Defamation of character in the form of libel (written statements) or slander (spoken statements) refers to the fact that a person can suffer an injury to his or her reputation as a result of untrue statements.

5. Dog Bites

In most cases, the owners of the dog are financially responsible for bites or injuries caused by the dog, but the laws vary from state to state.

For more information like this, you can read the #1 Amazon Bestseller “Plaintiff 101” by clicking here.


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What Is a “No-Fault Claim” and Where Is It Applicable?

No-fault insurance” means that the carrier of your auto insurance will take on the task of paying either some or all of your accumulated medical bills, as well as lost earnings, in the case of an accident. This holds regardless of who is at fault.

In these following states, a “no-fault” claim is covered under your personal injury protection benefits, otherwise known as PIP benefits. This includes: Florida, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Utah.

In Florida, it is required that all drivers have Personal Injury Protection benefits under their insurance policies at minimum. This includes $10,000 in (PIP) benefits and $10,000 in property damage liability benefits.

Not only does PIP cover the individual in an accident, but there are several very case-specific scenarios in which PIP will cover others. For example, it will cover the individual’s child/children, relatives within the household, passengers without PIP coverage and who don’t own a vehicle, and licensed drivers who drive the vehicle with permission.

In many states, it is not required to make a claim for personal injury damages against another driver unless your medical bills reach a certain level or your injury is considerably serious. This was enforced in an attempt to avoid smaller claims and congestion in the court system.

In Florida, for example, only accidents that result in permanent injury or significant and permanent scarring or disfigurement will allow someone to make a claim outside of the “no-fault” regulations. Since these conditions are quite vague, consulting with an attorney to see if you qualify beforehand would be recommended.

The clearest advantage to the Florida No-Fault Law is that it allows for speedy payment of claims for medical bills and a loss of wages alike, without the need to investigate or determine fault. With that being said, there are also certain limitations like not providing for emotional distress, inconvenience, or similarly linked issues.

For more information like this, you can read the #1 Amazon Bestseller “Plaintiff 101” by clicking here.

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4 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Law Student in Your Life

The holidays are right around the corner! Here’s a list of great gifts you can find on Amazon for the law student in your life.

1. Coffee Mug ($9.27)

Plaintiff 101 Karen Mertes

2. Dress Socks ($10.99)

Karen Martes

3. Pencil/Pen Bag ($9.69)

Plaintiff 101 Bag

4. “Plaintiff 101” Book ($24.95)

Blank white book w/path



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Meet Fulfill Your Destiny’s New Booster Group “Destiny’s Angels”

During a recent Chari-Tea fundraiser, Karen Mertes, CEO of Fulfill Your Destiny and author of Plaintiff 101, announced the creation of the first ladies booster group dedicated to furthering Fulfill Your Destiny’s work and mission.

Karen Mertes Plaintiff 101

The group, known as “Destiny’s Angels,” is chaired by Pegge Barrier of 21st Century Financial. Members share their time and talent to help the charity serve deserving community members.

What does it take to be a Destiny’s Angel?

There are no dues for membership and new members are welcome. Members share a common desire to help others in big and small ways and meet monthly at each other’s homes for food and fellowship. At meetings, attendees make new friends, network, and determine which individuals (previously vetted by local charities) that the group will aim to help.

Destiny’s Angels uses its collective imagination, talent, and connections to brainstorm ways to provide help for community members who are experiencing unforeseen challenges and need a second chance. These individuals would otherwise fall through the cracks for traditional social services.

Interested in being an agent of change to help others in your community?  To learn more about Destiny’s Angels, contact membership coordinator Carolyn Eastman at carolynanneastman@gmail.com.

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Community Members Accepted Fulfill Your Destiny’s Hero Challenge! Watch the Video.

Karen Mertes, author of “Plaintiff 101,” is also the founder of the non-profit Fulfill Your Destiny. Now through December 30th, Fulfill Your Destiny invites you to take the Hero Challenge!

The saying “Hands Eagerly Reach Out” (HERO) to help others is a founding credo of the charity Fulfill Your Destiny. The organization even gives out H.E.R.O. awards to those who have demonstrated this spirit to support its work.

Join them as they turn this statement into a community-wide challenge.

Watch a heartwarming example below:

Karen Mertes Plaintiff 101

Participants must register for the challenge (link below), and then share their completed act of kindness (anonymously or using a first name if they wish). Kindness Crusaders may team up with work buddies, clients, classmates, family, and friends and are encouraged to include a photo to inspire others on our social media.

All acts of kindness will be noted on our website and social media!

How do I sign up for the Hero Challenge?

Simply register below for the challenge of accomplishing one act of kindness.

Sign up here

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Throwback Interview with Karen Mertes on Fox13

After serving in the Air Force for 20 years, a near-death experience in 2007 forced Karen Mertes to change her life.

She was hit by a drunk driver going over 100 mph and cracked her skull in two places. During her recovery process, she realized the importance of helping others.

“Out of pain comes our passion and we find our purpose,” she said.

Today she runs the grassroots organization Fulfill Your Destiny, which awards $1,000 grants to people who are going through a crisis.


“I look for people who have survived—whether it be a job layoff and then became an entrepreneur, or an injury, or some sort or illness.”

Now a motivational speaker, Karen has also written a book called “Plaintiff 101” to help raise money for her charity. The book provides answers for people pursuing personal injury lawsuits and gives inside information to help them save time and money.

“By choosing to be better, and not bitter, I’m able to reach and inspire a lot of people.”

You can read Karen’s #1 Amazon Bestseller “Plaintiff 101” by clicking here.

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Happy Thankgiving!

Remember to give thanks for your life, loved ones, and health! What are you thankful for? Use that list as a mantra when going through hard times.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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