Tag Archives: Don’t drink and drive

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Arrive Alive, Don’t Drink and Drive.


The number of drunk-driving fatalities doubles on St. Patrick’s Day. Every year, without fail, roughly one-third of deaths in motor vehicle crashes are due to someone making the selfish and often deadly choice to drink and drive.

Have a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t drink and drive.

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Be Aware of These Summer Dangers

Drinking and driving usually occurs on holidays, weekends and evenings – but now that summer is here and we are near beaches, day drinking becomes another danger for those on and off the roads. College students are home for break and tourists begin to flock to the beaches. Day drinking is a common theme among beach goers – here are two serious dangers that you may encounter while day drinking in the sun.

Day drinking puts you at a higher risk of becoming dehydrated

Mixing alcohol with sun exposure will leads to a higher risk of becoming dehydrated which means sunburn, possible disorientation and lower tolerance of alcohol. Make sure when you’re day drinking to drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink.


Operating a boat while intoxicated could be just as dangerous as drinking and driving

Heavy drinking can interfere with your balance, coordination and overall thought processes. In tragic news stories that involve boat crashes and people falling overboard and drowning, many of them have to do with alcohol consumption.

If you plan on day drinking on the beach, make sure you either have a sober ride home and/or a designated driver for your boat or jet ski. Whether its your vacation or just a day at the beach, alcohol is not to be taken lightly.  Warn your teens, college students and friends about the dangers of mixing alcohol with the sun.


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Sobering Statistics of Holiday Drinking and Driving

If Karen’s story of surviving a car accident caused by a drunk driver doesn’t scare you enough, here are some statistics from Scram Systems on drunk driving during the holidays. Don’t be another statistic—screen-shot-2016-12-14-at-6-46-56-pm

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After a Night of Halloween Fun – Call a Cab!

dont-drink-driveHalloween is on a Monday this year, be cautious of drunk drivers leaving Halloween parties over the weekend! If you or a friend have been drinking at a party please have a designated driver or call a taxi, Uber or Lyft.

Being that I am a survivor of a car accident due to a drunk driver, I know what it is like to have my life changed by someone else’s irresponsible actions. Don’t be careless, someone else’s life, maybe even your own, depends on it. I suggest staying off of the roads after 10 pm and being vigilant for drivers that seem to be swerving or driving erratically.

Enjoy your Halloween events and plan accordingly if alcohol is involved!

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